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Plastic Waste: A Precious Resource

The conversion of waste into a precious resource must be one of the cornerstones of a resource efficient Europe. The forthcoming review of EU waste management legislation is the perfect opportunity to tackle this problem. However, this will require combining ambitious goals with smart policy tools and strict enforcement of the rules.
The plastics industry presents a clear example of what can be achieved if we can achieve this. The European Commission’s recent Green Paper on plastic waste accurately sets out the challenges facing plastics at the end of their life cycle, while highlighting the enormous potential of plastics to make a positive contribution to the environment and society as a whole.
A big part of the problem is that in most Member States the systems are not able to take advantage of the growing number of end-of-life plastics value propositions. By contrast, more than two-thirds of European countries send more than 50% of their plastic waste to landfills.
In this context, the focus in the Green Paper on the need to divert plastic waste from the landfill is one that we wholeheartedly share as an industry. Plastic waste is a valuable resource and its exploitation is the key to tackling a number of other issues from strengthening the recycling economy to reducing marine litter.
Two years ago, the European plastics industry launched a call for action to achieve zero plastics in landfills by 2020. The experience of the nine EU countries that already recover more than 90% of plastic waste after consumption shows that , while it may be ambitious, this is not an unrealistic goal. The challenge is to put the right economic and political incentives in other Member States.
The revision of the Landfill Directive in 2014 is a crucial opportunity to introduce a landfill ban or increase taxes on the phasing out of all recyclable and high-calorie waste – not just plastic – by end of the decade.
At the same time, banning or phasing out landfills is just one part of the puzzle. We also need to develop clear criteria to determine the most appropriate recovery options for landfill diversion materials.
There are some cases where recycling plastics or other materials simply does not make sense in terms of sustainability – either because they are too complex to separate from other materials without a disproportionate energy investment, or because they are contaminated in some way and are not safe to recycle.
Energy recovery and recycling should be considered complementary rather than competing options. This is evidenced in countries such as Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden where there is free capacity for energy recovery, but high recycling rates are achieved.
This is why it will be vital to develop overall sustainability criteria when it comes to landfill diversion options. As we have seen in the case of biofuels, it is important to make these criteria clear from the outset when setting environmental targets.
The results of a thorough viability analysis often show the opposite. Plastic carrying bags, which are the subject of specific Commission proposals, are a classic example. In addition to being cost-effective and convenient, many public studies have concluded that, as long as they are reused, plastic bags have a better overall environmental performance than alternatives.
The big problem, as we all know, is garbage. This is why introducing charging in plastic bags and all carrying bags, as a means of raising consumer awareness of their value and discouraging stocks, would be a more viable option than simply banning them.
Identifying the most efficient way to get value from the waste we produce is not an easy challenge. However, with the revision of EU waste legislation, we have the opportunity to revolutionize the use of waste as a resource – instead of just burying it under our feet.

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συνδεσμοι σωληνων εξαρτηματα αλουμινιου

Appropriate Choice of Mounting Material for an Application

To ensure a seamless connection, five factors must be carefully considered when choosing the right style and material for an application. These factors are size, temperature, application, media and pressure.


OD pipe and wall thickness must be taken into account for all piping fittings. With most types of end pipes, there are limitations to the thickness of the pipe wall. System pressure, flow, temperature and operating environment also affect size.


The temperature of the system and the environment in which the hydraulic pipe fittings can operate depends on the type of material, the protective liner or coating and the sealing material.


The system environment – such as vibrations, pressure peaks and external thermal and mechanical load – also affects the choice of mounting material and whether a protective coating is required


The type of liquid transported also directly affects the choice of assembly and sealing material.


The nominal dynamic pressure of the component must be equal to or greater than the system pressure.


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blog αρθρο " Γιατι η ανακακύκλωση πλαστικού ειναι σημαντική ; "

Why Is Plastic Recycling Important?

Plastics are one of the most versatile materials we use. They are all around us, whether we are at home or at work, when we go shopping, even when we are on vacation. However, the prevalence of plastics also means that we have large amounts to dispose of later. In addition, plastic recycling is very important, but why?

As you may know, there are many types of plastics and many types of plastics can be recycled. But you probably do not know why environmentalists and waste experts take plastic recycling so seriously.

1. Plastics are a huge amount of our solid waste

As I mentioned, there are large amounts of plastics that are disposed of as solid waste. But you would probably be surprised to learn that plastics make up over 12% of all solid waste available. This equates to 30 million tonnes of plastic available each year!

The unfortunate part of disposing of plastics is that it is simply dumped in landfills along with other waste. Since most types of plastics can be recycled, sending plastics to landfills is a daunting task for the environment. We are depleting the landfill at an alarming rate, so we must avoid disposing of plastic along with solid waste.

2. Plastic takes years to break

Do you have an idea of ​​how long it takes for plastics to degrade in the environment? The answer may surprise you. It is between 500-1000 years old. This is far beyond comprehension for most people.

Simply put, when we take out the plastics in landfills, they do not collapse easily. Instead, it clogs up valuable landfill space and can take centuries to collapse.

In addition, if plastics are sent to waste treatment plants, they can overload the unit, which leads to another issue. Combustion of plastic is very harmful to the environment. And as if these two things were not bad enough, if the plastics are dumped in the ocean, then it gets contaminated.

3. Plastic pollution is a major problem

While plastic pollution is prevalent in landfills, as mentioned, it is not the only place where plastics cause pollution. In fact, 90% of all waste floating on the surface of the oceans is plastic. This can be approached at around 46,000 pieces of plastic per square mile!

And, plastics in the ocean are really damaging the ecosystem. More than one million seabirds and more than 100,000 marine animals are killed by plastic pollution each year. In addition, 44% of seabird species, 22% of crustaceans, the growing variety of fish species and all sea turtles are known to have plastic in their bodies.

Plastic pollution is a major problem that needs to be addressed immediately. If we do not stop now, we will only create a bad environment for future generations.

4. Not all types of plastics can be recycled

Most types of plastics can be recycled. However, some types of plastics such as polystyrene, garbage bags, zipper bags, bubble wrap, plastic cereal box, clear plastic wrap, potato bags, some department store plastic bags, candy wrappers and plastic candy wrappers can not be used.

There are many economic and technical reasons why these forms of plastic cannot be recycled. But the bottom line here is that no matter what we do, this plastic waste will inevitably reach landfills. And, this plastic waste will accumulate, creating a volume of waste that will not go away easily.

Therefore, you need to ensure that you recycle as many other types of plastics as possible. Types of recyclable plastics include polystyrene (compact disc cases, plastic forks, etc.), polypropylene (drug bottles), vinyl packaging, low density polyethylene and high density polyethylene (milk bottles).

5. Recycled plastics can be used properly

Another reason why plastic recycling is important is because it can be used well and not end up on land. Recycled plastic can be used to create items such as shampoo bottles, oil pipes, floor tiles and traffic cones among many other products.

In addition, there are many innovative ways to use recycled plastic. For example, recycled plastic can be used to make decks, sportswear, car interiors and other products.

6. Plastic recycling saves energy for the environment

Finally, the last reason that plastic recycling is important is this. For every 1 ton of plastic that is recycled, it is estimated that 7 meters of landfill space are maintained. This is important, especially given the fact that we are rapidly running out of landfill space.

In addition, by recycling plastic, 80% of the total energy that enters the construction of new plastic products is saved. The manufacture of plastics involves the use of oil and other fossil fuels. Not only are these fuels rare, but the process of making plastic is done in a way that is harmful to the environment. By recycling we can reduce the amount of plastic that is made and help the environment.

Stanford University estimates that recycling a ton of plastic saves 7,200 kilowatt hours of electricity. That’s enough to run an average household for 7 months!

I’m sure you can now see that plastic recycling is extremely important. Therefore, make sure that you use your plastics properly. Reduce the amount of plastic you use and if you have to throw away any plastic, make sure you recycle it properly.


Plastic recycling is very important and should be taken seriously. Plastics are a huge amount of solid waste and take centuries to be disposed of in landfills or in the ocean. Therefore, all recyclable plastics should be recycled to reduce drought, conserve energy and preserve the environment.

If you think you are environmentally conscious and want to recycle plastic properly, you can help.

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Εξαρτήματα αλουμινίου Πλεονεκτηματα και ιδιοτητες


In general, aluminum is a silver-white metal, and more specifically the thirteenth element in the periodic table. The most common form of aluminum found in nature is aluminum sulfate. These are metals that combine two sulfuric acids: one based on an alkaline metal (lithium, sodium, potassium rubidium or cesium) and one based on a metal from the third group of the periodic table, mainly aluminum.

It is one of the lightest metals in the world: it is almost three times lighter than iron. This reduces the cost of aluminum construction. Its use in vehicles reduces dead weight and energy consumption while increasing loading capacity. This also reduces noise and improves comfort levels.

Its strength can be adapted to the application required by modifying the composition of its alloys. Aluminum-magnesium-manganese alloys are an optimal combination of molding with durability, while aluminum-magnesium-silicon alloys are ideal for car body sheets, which show good curing age when subjected to the painting process.


It is extremely resistant to corrosion, because its surface is always covered by an extremely thin, but very strong layer of oxide. This prevents further contact with the environment. It is especially useful for applications where it is exposed to corrosive agents, such as kitchen cabinets and vehicles. In general, aluminum alloys are less resistant to corrosion than pure aluminum, except for marine magnesium-aluminum alloys. Different types of surface treatment such as anodizing, painting or varnish can further enhance this property.

Aluminum is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity and in relation to its weight is almost twice as conductive as copper. This made aluminum the first choice for large power transmission lines. It is also a great heatsink for many applications that require rapid heat removal, such as on computer motherboards and LED lights.


Aluminum is a good reflector of visible light as well as heat, and this, together with its low weight, makes it an ideal material for reflectors, for example, in luminaires or life-saving blankets. Cool coated aluminum roofs are valuable for reducing the internal solar heat in a home, reflecting up to 95% of the sunlight.

Aluminum is ductile and has a low melting point and density. It can be processed in many ways in the molten state. Its ductility allows the formation of aluminum products near the end of the product design.


Unlike steel, which becomes brittle quickly at low temperatures, aluminum has increased tensile strength as temperatures drop.

Aluminum is non-magnetic, making it useful for electrical shields such as computer disks, dish antennas, bars or magnet housings.


Aluminum is an excellent sound insulator and is used to make roofs. It is also used in car bumpers due to its absorbent properties.

Aluminum does not produce sparks when it comes in contact with the same or other non-ferrous metals.


Aluminum is 100% recyclable and recycled aluminum is identical to the virgin product. This makes it much more economical material for production processes. Only about 5% of the energy required to produce the primary metal is initially required in the recycling process.

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blog άρθρο " Τι είναι το πλαστικό΄"

What Is Plastic?

When watching TV, using a computer, traveling on a bus, train or plane, use plastic. When you go to the doctor’s office or the hospital or go to the grocery store, you rely on plastic again.

Where do plastics come from … and what are they?

Plastics are produced from materials found in nature, such as natural gas, oil, coal, metals and plants. The first plastics were made by nature – did you know that rubber from a rubber tree is actually a plastic?

Interest in plastics arose in the 1800s to replace rare materials such as ivory and turtle shells. The first synthetic plastics came from cellulose, a substance found in plants and trees. The cellulose was heated with chemicals and resulted in a new material that was extremely durable.

The raw materials for today’s plastics come from many places (some even use salt!), But most plastics can be made from hydrocarbons that are readily available in gas, oil and coal.


The chemistry of plastics can be complicated, but the basics are simple. Think about your high school science lessons about atoms and molecules (groups of people). Plastics are simple chains of similar molecules that are connected to each other. These chains are called polymers. This is why many plastics start with “poly”, such as polyethylene, polystyrene and polypropylene. Polymers are often made of carbon and hydrogen and sometimes oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, chlorine, fluorine, phosphorus or silicon.

The term “plastics” includes all of these various polymers.

Although there are many polymers, plastics are generally lightweight with significant strengths. Plastics can be molded, extruded, molded and molded into seemingly unlimited shapes and membranes or foams or even pulled into textile fibers. Many types of coatings, sealants and coatings are actually plastic.

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